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Summary Report – GOPIO’s Third European Regional Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands, 7-9 June 2002


The third European Regional Conference GOPIO took place at Holiday Inn Leiden on the 8th and 9th June 2002. Welcoming the honorable guests and the participants GOPIO Chairman Ram Lakhina who is also the President of the host organization, Foundation for the Critical Choices of India elaborated the considerable potential of the PIO/NRI community for  India’s economic and social development.  Lakhina said “PIOs/NRISs are a very substantial national asset for India. Until recently the potential of this asset was not fully appreciated by the Government of India. The establishment of The High Level Commission on Indian Diaspora and its comprehensive report are first systematic efforts by the Government of India in the right direction.”


Mr J.C. Sharma, Secretary to the ministry of external affairs in his address to the conference emphasized the role of PIOs in accelerating in India’s development in the past. He also provided an overview of the salient features of the report of the High Level Comity, including its major recommendations on dual nationality, Pravasi Bharatiya Diavas (Indian Diaspora Day) and the Bharat Samman Awards for distinguished contribution by individual members of the PIO/NRI community.


In elaborating on the future potential contribution of the community, Mr. Sharma stressed that India and Indian Diaspora are permanently linked with each other. While appreciating the past performance of the community both by well to do sections and by also humble members of the community particularly in economic development and financial investments, Mr. Sharma emphasized the need to encourage community’s contributions to areas like public health, education, media, outsourcing from India, etc.


In her address to the Conference, Honorable Ambassador of India, Mrs. Shyamala B. Cowsik prodded the professionals among the PIO/NRI community in different countries to come together in order to coordinate their varied and valued contributions to India. GOPIO could encourage forming of such associations at the European level.


Honourable Keith Vaz, member of the British Parliament and the former Deputy Minister for European Affairs, in his keynote speech noted among the participants of the conference presence of individuals from different sectors and countries and also those belonging to different political groups. In the context of recent social and political changes taking place in some countries of Europe, he emphasized the need for loyalty to the national governments of their countries, as according to him the community was “under special focus” in the region. Commenting on the issue of loyalty to the host community in the present turbulent times, Mr. Vaz stated that , “We have to be good citizens of Europe”. He also advised the PIO/NRIs to be in the mainstream of social and economic development in those countries


Emphasizing also the tremendous potential of the community in Europe and elsewhere, Mr. Vaz suggested that India should consider them as a resource in their efforts to promote further advancement of the country. Praising the unique nature of GOPIO and its rich contributions in the past in its short existence, he underlined its particular contribution in bringing the PIOs and NRIs under one umbrella, with a view to mobilizing their multifaceted contribution towards India. He also praised GOPIO’s role in monitoring the violation of human rights of members of the community in different countries spread over the globe.


GOPIO President Dr. Thomas Abraham, in his presentation on “PIOs as Global Citizens” recounted the multifarious contributions of the community of 22 million and odd, and narrated the past activities of GOPIO, emphasized its future role in the areas of poverty alleviation, social justice and promotion of peace. “GOPIO strongly supports recommendations to grant dual nationality to PIOs and I urge the political parties to pass this legislation immediately in the parliament in the interest of our Motherland,” Dr. Abraham added.


Referring to the theme of the Conference, Dr.Abraham stated that the PIO/NRI community has a big stake in globalization in terms of opportunities, but also safeguarding the legitimate interests of the community, particularly those of small and medium business enterprises and other vulnerable groups.


Drs. B.N. Madan of Netherlands in his presentation on Problems and Prospects of PIOs in Europe, provided a historical and overview of the situation and also commented on the more recent context of immigration in Europe. Listing some areas of their distinguished contributions, Dr. Madan also brought the attention of the conference to the new emerging problems of geographical concentration in certain parts of the country, increasing conflict in values of certain groups in the host community and the immigrant communities in Europe, problematic and cumbersome visa procedures and alienation between different generations of the community. He also emphasized that despite the general trend of intolerance towards immigrants, the PIO/NRI community is still appreciated by the host countries as peace loving, securlarly oriented and making useful contribution to socio-economic life of the concerned countries.


In the following discussion, the participants emphasized the need for doing away with the distinction between the PIOs and NRIs, more involvement of the younger generation in the work of GOPIO and more active involvement of political leaders of the PIO/NRI community in getting redress to their legitimate grievances.


In the afternoon session on Networking among PIOs, particularly in Europe, Dr. Abraham, Raj Loomba (London) and Dr. V.V. Moharir (Amsterdam), made brief comments on (a) the experiences of networking in the USA, the U.K. and other countries of Europe. In the particular context of Europe, recommendations were made for (a) formation of federal organization of cultural association of PIOs/NRIs in different countries and (b) a federal organization of Indian Chambers of Commerce in individual countries, to pursue issues of contribution of PIO/NRI community to India’s development and also for safeguarding legitimate interests of the community in Europe.

Noting also the increasing trend towards widening the role of the European Union in many policy areas, particularly in policies on immigration and international trade, improving the representation of the PIO/NRI community in the European parliament was also emphasized. The session was chaired by GOPIO President-Elect Inder Singh (USA) and GOPIO Executive VP Jagdish Makwana (Switzerland).


In the last session on Violation of Civil and Political rights of PIOs in countries like Fiji, Trinidad, Guyana, Zimbabwe, GOPIO Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran, provided background to these cases and suggested that the conference should pass resolutions, directing the authorities concerned at national and international level, for redressing these grievances.


Having noted the contributions of all speakers and participants, the GOPIO’s Third European Regional Conference, adopted the following resolutions:


Resolution of European PIO Coordination

GOPIO and its European Chapters should initiate efforts in formation of the European Federation of Socio-Cultural Associations of PIO/NRI communities in different European countries and the European Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce in different European countries. In the latter task, the representatives of the FICCI offered their assistance.


Resolution of Violations of Civil and Political Rights

Resolution on violation of political, human and civil rights of people of Indian origin

The Third European Regional Congress of GOPIO meeting in Leiden, the Netherlands, on June 8, 2002

- Re-affirms its absolute faith and belief in the basic human rights of all people exclaimed in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

- Notes its deep concern that in many countries of the world – more particularly in Fiji Guyana, Trinidad, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Suriname – where people of Indian origin comprise a significant proportion of the population and/or make their physical, civil and political as well as social and culture wise are under continuing attack to the levels of atrocities;

- Calls on the United Nations, the government of India and the respective governments, to take all appropriate measures and actions to cease the abuses and atrocities being inflicted on people of Indian origin in the respective countries;

- Condemns violations of human rights in all parts of the world in any and/or every form.

Resolution on Fiji

Whereas we are cognizant of the forcible and violent removal of the duly elected government, and recognizing that all citizens are duly entitled to equal justice, freedom and protection under UN rights charters;

- We call for the end of the practice of apartheid inflicted on PIOs;

- We call for the cessation of all abuses, atrocities and violations of the rights of PIO;

- We call for the full restoration of democracy and political representation within a period of 9 months;

-         We request the international community to bring diplomatic and moral pressure.



Similar resolutions on Guyana, Trinidad, Zimbabwe were also adopted.


Another highlight of the conference was an evening filled with cruise and dinner on the Kaag Lake sponsored by Jasbir Sachaar of London’s Asian Who’s Who.




Conference Photos


Digntaries and GOPIO Officers at the Conference - From L. to R.: President Dr. ThomasAbaham (USA), President-Elect Inder Singh (USA), Chairman Ram Lakhina (The Netherlands), Indian Ambassador to The Netherlands Shyamala Cowsik, J.C. Sharma (Secretary, Indian Disapora, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India), British M.P. Keith Vaz, Executive VP Jagdish Makwana (Switzerland), Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran (USA and Guyana) and VP for Europe Jasbir S. Sachaar.


A section of the delegates at the conference


GOPIO Secretary General speaks at the conference