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October 5, 2009
A Publication of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Issue: VIII-11 October 5, 2009
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The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) committed to its mission of advocacy and in its zest of serving the Indian Diaspora always looks for issues confronting the NRIs and the PIOs. GOPIO seeks to identify such issues and then tries to find ways and means to address those issues.
For the last ten years, it has become a regular practice for GOPIO to compile annually a list of current issues and then take them up with concerned Governments, such as Government of India as well as organizations such as The United Nations.
Recently, during its 20th Anniversary Celebrations held in August 2009 in New York City, GOPIO compiled a list of such issues and presented them to a forum of participants for discussion and approval in the form of Resolutions ( The Resolution Committee was headed by Dr. Piyush C. Agrawal, GOPIO's Regional Vice President for North America.
On September 16, 2009 GOPIO hosted a reception/dinner meeting in New York in honor of Mr. T.K.A. Nair, Principal Secretary of Prime Minister of India.  The meeting was chaired by Mr. Ashook Ramsaran Executive Vice President of GOPIO who gave an count of GOPIO's history and its campaign on various issues of the NRI/PIO community in the past. He then introduced Mr. Prabhu Dayal, Consul General of India in New York who compliments GOPIO's work for the benefit of the community and India for the last 20 years.
During this meeting, Dr. Piyush C. Agrawal presented a copy of GOPIO's Resolutions to Prinicipal Secretary Nair.  Mr. Nair was gracious enough to listen to those resolutions and respond to them appropriately.  Of course, the action would be subject to the approval process through the various ministries and agencies, but suffice to say that GOPIO's efforts of bringing the Diaspora closer to its ancestral place was sincerely appreciated by both - the Diaspora and India.
Dr. Agrawal gave a short history on the disconnect between India and its Diaspora and how very recently a connection is being established through the efforts of government functionaries like the Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Mr. Vayalar Ravi and the Diaspora organization like GOPIO.
Highlights of some of the resolutions were: Issues related to Disputes on Properties whether held for investments or shared with family members; Safety & Security of Life and Properties impacted by terrorism; issues related to investments and taxes and disparities being created between Resident Indians (RIs) and NRIs in tax matters; marriage abuses in the reverse direction from brides to grooms and from daughters-in-law to mothers-in-law.  Other issues pertained to lack of uniform policy implementation for wards of NRIs/PIOs in institutions of higher education; Prime Minister's Global Advisory Council; Pensions of Retired Persons living abroad; Human Rights Violations in Malaysia; and, Racially motivated attacks on Indian students in Australia.
Just as an example, an NRI on an interest income of Rs.  300,000 during 2009-10 would pay a tax of Rs.  4,000 whereas during 2011-12 the same person would pay Rs. 60,000 - a tremendous jump!  Likewise on a sale of Real Estate, the Capital Gain Tax paid by Resident Indian (RI) on a 25 Lac sale would be 3.8 Lac whereas for an NRI would be 7.5 Lac!
Principal Secretary Nair was introduced by GOPIO Chairman Emeritus Dr. Thomas Abraham who said that Prime Minister's Office has taken keen interest to engage with the overseas Indian community and Mr. Nair has been interacting with the NRI/PIO community for the last several Pravasi Bharatiya Divas held annually in India.
Nair said that the Diaspora has come of age and they are doing well in many countries. Nair said, "Govt. of India and particularly Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has recognized the importance of the Indian Diaspora."
He lauded the contributions of Indian Americans and pointed out that many of them build institutions like hospitals, schools and colleges in India. He called upon the Diaspora to help in education and health care in India. "Empowering Indian youth through education would be the biggest asset we can develop for future," Nair added.
Responding to one of GOPIO's previous resolutions related to voting rights of NRIs which was included in this year's list as well, Mr. Nair informed the audience that progress has been made to the extent that a bill on this subject has been presented in the Parliament (Lok Sabha). He assured that he would consult his colleagues in various Ministries on relevant topics.
Photo below: GOPIO presents its 20th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet and convention resolutions to Mr. T.K.A. Nair. From L. to R.:  H.R. Shah, Dr. Thomas Abraham, Ashook Ramsaran, PM's Principal Secretary T.K.A. Nair, Consul General Prabhu Dayal, Dr. Piyush Agrawal

GOPIO officials at dinner meeting with Mr. T.K.A. Nair

 Phto above: GOPIO International officers and chapter presidents with PM's Prinicipal Secretary T.K.A. Nair. From L. to R.: From L. to R.:   Dr. Thomas Abraham, Sangeeta Ahuja, Satruhan Sukdeo, Ashook Ramsaran, Darshan Singh Bagga, T.K.A. Nair, Lal Motwani, Consul General Prabhu Dayal, Dr. Rajeev Mehta and Dr. Piyush Agrawal
The event was organized by area Chapters of GOPIO including New York, Upper New York, Connecticut, Central Jersey, and Long Island. Various participating organizations that supported the event were National Federation of Indian Associations (NFIA); American Federation of Muslims from India; Association of Indians in America; Federation of Kerala Associations of North America; Federation of Indian Association of the Tri-State NY, NJ & CT; Indo-American Cultural Society of New Jersey; The Indian American Kerala Cultural and Civic Center, IFC/Miss India Worldwide Pageant, Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Foundation, Inc.; World Punjabi Organization; World Malayalee Council 
The event was sponsored by Dr. Sudhir Parikh of New India Times and Mr. H.R. Shah of TV Asia.  Mr. Lal Motwani, New York Chapter President offered the Note of Thanks.
Contact: Ashook Ramsaran, Executive Vice President, 718-353-1900, E-mail:
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Europe was held on September 19, 2009 at the World Forum in The Hague, Netherlands. This Convention was held with the objective to bring together members of the Indian Diaspora in Europe at a common platform to discuss the role of the Indian Diaspora in enhancing Indo-European Cooperation, opportunities and challenges faced by them in the fields of culture, heritage and tradition, as also Trade and Investment opportunities available for them in the land of their ancestors. Besides, some high dignitaries from Netherlands and India, prominent members of the Indian Diaspora in Europe participated in this very successful one-day event.
A full capacity number of NRIs/PIOs from all parts of Europe attended and participated in this landmark event. The themes of the PBD Europe are "Rising India and the Role of Indian Diaspora" and "Cultural Challenges & Opportunities for the Indian Diaspora". Distinguished speakers from Europe, India and the USA spoke on these themes. PBD Europe was organized in partnership with the Municipality of The Hague and the Embassy of India at The Hague. The organizers for the event were:  Foundation for Critical Choices for India (FCCI); Netherlands India Association (NIA);   Netherlands Chapters of GOPIO; UJALA, Association of Surinamese people; EEKTA, Association of Surinamese People. The principal leaders of the organizing committee were: Mr. Oedith N. Jaharia, Mr. Ram L. Lakhina, Mr. Badri N. Madan, Mr. Rajen Ramnath, Mr. Rajindre Tewari, Mr. Jasbir Singh.
Photo below: Dr  Mohan Gautam (Chair Academic Council); Raj Loomba (Regional Vice President Europe); K N Gupta (President GOPIO India); Rajindre Tewari (National Coordinator Netherlands); Shri  K. Mohandas (Secretary, MOIA); Ashook Ramsaran (Executive Vice President GOPIO International);  Shri Vayalar Ravi (Minister, MOIA); Shri Manbir Singh (Indian Ambassador, the Hague, Netherlands); Ram Lakhina (former Chairman GOPIO International); Barjinder Sodhi (President GOPIO Berlin); Ashok Kaushik (Marketing Officer, Indian Embassy, The Hague, Netherlands; Munish Gupta, (Chair Media Council)
GOPIO Officials with Minister Ravi at PBD-Europe, Sept. 2009

Upon the conclusion of the final conference session of PBD Europe on September 19, 2009, and discussion with Shri Vayalar Ravi, Minister MOIA and Shri K. Mohandas, Secretary MOIA, GOPIO International Executive Vice President Ashook Ramsaran chaired a meeting of GOPIO executives, chapters and chapter executives in attendance at PBD Europe. The meeting included: Raj Loomba (Regional Vice President Europe); Munish Gupta, (Chair Media Council); Dr  Mohan Gautam (Chair Academic Council); Rajindre Tewari (National Coordinator Netherlands); K N Gupta (President GOPIO India); Barjinder Sodhi (President GOPIO Berlin).
Topics of discussion ranged from chapter activities in Europe, new chapters in formation, scheduled annual or semi-annual regional chapter meetings, re-energizing GOPIO Business Council, focused projects for GOPIO Philanthropy Council, and regional organization structure. There was also discussion on GOPIO conference of Jan 6 - 7, 2010 preceding and in conjunction the annual PBD 2010 organized by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs to be held in New Delhi Jan. 7 - 9, 2010. While he listened and responded to the issues raised and the suggestions given by several in attendance, Ramsaran stressed the need for formulation of more chapters and the chapters to be engaged in more community activities.
GOPIO International is planning to hold its annual executive and general council meetings, followed by its conference starting on January 6 and concluding on January 7 immediately preceding and in conjunction with Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2010 events of January 7-9, 2010. 
The program schedule is as follows:
January 6, 2010            :
MORNING:       Executive and council meetings, country reports at FICCI Conference Center
AFTERNOON: Conference Sessions I, II at FICCI Conference Center
EVENING:        Community Service Awards Banquet
January 7, 2010
MORNING:       Conference Sessions III, IV at Vigyan Bhavan
For more information and details, contact GOPIO Chairman Inder Singh at (Tel 1-818-708-3885) or GOPIO President - Lord Daljit Rana, UK, Tel:  +44 28-9807-8787, Email:
GOPIO International is planning to hold its annual Community Service Awards Banquet on January 6, 2010 in New Delhi in conjunction with GOPIO's conference on January 6 - January 7, 2010 and Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD2009) events of January 7 - 9, 2010. The GOPIO Community Service Awards (GOPIO CSA) are given for outstanding community service, public service and/or significant charitable or philanthropic contributions of benefit to the community.
Nominations of suitably qualified candidates are requested for consideration by GOPIO CSA Selection Committee. For details of GOPIO CSA criteria, format for submission of nominations and deadlines, visit
Nominations are to be submitted using the prescribed form with supporting documents by November 15, 2009 to the attention of Ashook Ramsaran, Executive Vice President of GOPIO International at 718- 969-8206,
Indian tax laws are due to undergo extensive facelift which will affect tax burden on NRIs more than resident Indians. In an exclusive article in India Abroad (October 2, 2009), tax consultants A.N. Shanbhag and Sandeep Shanbhag wrote that the 48-year-old Indian Income Tax Act is set to be replaced by a new Direct Tax Code from April 1, 2011. A draft of the new Direct Tax Code has been released by the government for public debate Comments and suggestions from taxpayers and other shareholders will be taken into consideration before enacting the bill according to the government. According to Shanbhags, the Indian Diaspora will be adversely affected by the provisions. Briefly, those points affecting the Diaspora are as follows:
Under the new tax code, the tax liability of NRIs/PIOs in India could go up as much as 10 times.
Hitherto fully exempt long-term capital gains on equity and equity mutual funds are slated to be taxed at a float rate of 30 percent.
Distinction between long-term and short-term gains will go.
In the case property, elimination of tax deduction and the presumptive rate of taxation will adversely impact potential investors.
For equity investors, in most cases, the jump will be from zero tax to paying at the rate of 30 percent.
Shanbhags can be contacted at



The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) in partnership with the Government of NCT of Delhi and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing the 8th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention (PBD 2010) from 7th - 9th January 2010 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Parvasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) is the annual flagship event of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) which aims to connect more 25 Million Indians with India's Economic and Social development. The event will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and President Pratibha Patil will address the concluding session of the three-day gathering of PIOs and NRIs from all regions of the global Indian Diaspora.
 PBD-2010 will also witness the launch of an annual Lecture series under the theme of 'India and its Diaspora: Everlasting Bonds of Togetherness'. 
Tentative PBD 2010 program to include as follows:
Inaugural session with the Prime Minister of India
Plenary Sessions
    Interaction with Union Ministers
    Interaction with PIO Ministers
    Interaction with State Chief Ministers
Concurrent Sessions on
    Returning to 9% Growth: Diaspora Connect
    Leveraging Knowledge Networks: Global INK
    Thousands of Fireflies: Diaspora Philanthropy
Gender Issues
State Sessions
Valedictory Session with the President of India
Conferment of Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards by the President of India
Cultural Programmes & Dinner
Other Attractions to include:
    Pravasi Golf Tournament
    Seminar on Nano Technology
    Seminar on Property-related issues of NRIs/
Visit PBD website at www.pbdindia.orgfor registration & other details.
The Government of India, as a result of wider consultations held at past PBD events, have established Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre, conceptualized PIO University, formed Prime Minister's Global Advisory Council of People of Indian Origin, set up the India Development Foundation, enabled professionals holding Overseas Citizens of India cards to practice in India, launched the Global Indian Network of Knowledge (Global-INK) and the issued smart cards for Indian workers working abroad.
As part of GOPIO annual convention in conjunction with PBD 2010, GOPIO plans to hold two conference sessions in the afternoon of Jan 6, 2009 at FICCI conference center, awards banquet on Jan 6 at a hotel to be selected and two conference sessions on the forenoon of Jan 7, 2009 at Vigyan Bhavan. PBD 2010 will also hold two sessions on the afternoon of Jan 7 at Vigyan Bhavan.   
GOPIO would be offering a combined registration for GOPIO conference on Jan 6-7 and Pravasi Bhartiya Divas on Jan 7-9, 2009 at a subsidized rate of $100 to boost attendance at PBD 2010 as well as at GOPIO event.  This special offer is available for those who register with GOPIO by November 15, 2009. For more information, contact GOPIO Chairman Inder Singh at 818-708-3885 and, GOPIO President Lord Daljit Rana at or GOPIO Executive Vice President Ashook Ramsaran at or GOPIO India Coordinator K.N. Gupta at
 With the declaration of International Day of Non-Violence by the United Nations, the Indian Diaspora celebrated 140th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on October 2nd through out the world. Celebrations were held by Indian missions abroad as well as Indian community groups. The celebrations were also held at various Gandhi centers and prayer meetings were held at various parks where Gandhi statues have been established by the Indian community.
The newly formed Federation of Indian Associations of Washington had organized its first formal event in Seattle. The King County Library hall filled to capacity and over flowing in the presence of King County officials including its Director Bill Ptacek. The program was coordinated by NFIA Board members Anjali Sachdev, Lavanya Reddy and Sudip Gorakshakar. NFIA in cooperation with FIA Washington plans to unveil a statue of Mahatma Gandhi gifted by Govt. of India on October 17th at the premises of the library. The chief guest is Ambassador Meera Shankar. Congressman Jim McDermott will be a special guest (contact Anjali Sachdev 206-403-7550, e-mail:

Photo below: Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations in Seattle, Washington

Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations in the USA and Canada
Photo above: Right to left - Suraj Sadan, Artist, Founder and President of Mahatma Gandhi International Foundation; Marcel Tremblay, Associate Adviser to Montreal Mayor on Intercultural Relations and Mary Deros, City Councilor, Park-Extension District, Montreal.

International Day of Non-Violence was celebrated at the City Hall of Montreal on October 2, 2009. Celebrations were also held at the United Nations in New York.


GOPIO Wellington Chapter hosted a concert in Wellington to a capacity crown on Thursday, September 24, 2009. The conceret was hosted as a non-profit cultural event and a rare opportunity to witness a true fusion of two cultures but playing Indian instruments. The concert was attended by the Actingh High Commissioner of India, several dignitaries. . Gopio Wellington Chapter president Kumar Bajaj gave to the audience an overview with stated objectives of GOPIO which were received with interest and acclamation.
Fazal Querishi hails from a background that reverberates with the Taal of the Tabla. Music has been Fazal's natural inheritance under the guidance of his guru and father, the late great tabla player Ustad Allah Rakha, and with inspiration drawn from his brother Ustadd Zakir Hussain. Fazal developed a unique style that is distinguished for its fine sense of rhythm, versatility and eloquence.
Fazal has performed the world over with musicians like his father, Allah Rakha, brother Zakir Hussain, Dr Subramaniam, Ustad Shahid Pravez, Sitara Dewi, to name a few. Fazal also has expanded his horizons by being actively engaged in jazz and western music, and for the past 16 years runs a music band based in Sweden.The other artist accompanying Fazal was Melbourne born Adrian McNeil playing the sarod. Adrian studied and performed in India for many yeasr as a disciple of Pandit Ashok Roy. He has intensely studied the Hindustani classical music, published several articles and taught in many parts of the world.
On September 15, 2009, GOPIO Connecticut in collaboration with University of Connecticut (UCONN) Student Government Association hosted an interactive session with the FBI on the Civil Rights Program.
Walter Grattan, Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI provided an overview of the Civil Rights Program. He said that the mission of the Program is to "enforce the federal civil rights statutes and to ensure the protection of civil rights of all persons in the United States." Although the FBI receives almost three times more Color of Law complaints than hate crime complaints, hate crimes are the FBI's number one civil rights priority due to the impact these matters can have on the community.
While he provided an overview of the four sub-programs, it was the area of Hate Crimes that drew the greatest discussion and questions from the audience. He said that immediately following 9/11, there was a significant increase in hate crime cases targeting Arab, Muslim and Sikh communities. In the years following the terrorist attacks, over 700 hate crime investigations involving victims were initiated and resulted in more than 350 federal and local arrests. 
Agent Grattan was accompanied by Marybeth Miklos and Carla Spino of the FBI. Lieutenant Sean Cooney of the Stamford Police Department also attended and provided valuable local law enforcement perspective.
The free community event attracted about 40 members of the Indian community, who actively engaged the FBI team throughout the session.
GOPIO-CT and UCONN officials with Panelists; From: Thomas Abraham, Agent Carla Spino , Anju Simon, Agent Marybeth Miklos, Sangeeta Ahuja, Agent Walter Grattan, Shyamla Sharma, UConn SGA President Elly Koskorelos and Stamford Police Lieutenant Sean Cooney. 

GOPIO-CT Civil Rights Meeting and India Independence Day Flag Hoisting

 Photo above: Indian-American youth in their traditional attire singing the national anthems of USA and India with Mayor Dan Malloy and Deputy Consul General Dr. Ajay Gondane.
Under warm, sunny Saturday skies, almost 300 members of the Indian-American community, from toddlers to seniors, and elected officials gathered to celebrate 62nd Indian Independence and the hoisting of the Indian tricolor at the Government Center in Stamford, CT. It was on August 15, 1947 that India began its "tryst with destiny." The festive event with colorful balloons, banners and Indian and American flag, was organized by the GOPIO-Connecticut chapter, and has become increasingly popular over the last three years, attracting crowds from across Fairfield and Westchester counties.
The Indian tricolor was hoisted by Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy and Indian Deputy Consul General Dr. Ajay Gondane, followed by the singing of the American and Indian national anthems, led by the Indian-American youth group dressed in their colorful national attire.
Mayor Malloy praised the Indian-American community which is "one of the fastest growing communities in Connecticut." He paid tribute to "GOPIO-Connecticut's leadership in organizing these events and helping bring the community together." After reading the official proclamation, he said "Americans have been great cheerleaders of Indian democracy. I celebrate your kindness, your goodness and your warmth."
Dr. Ajay Gondane, Deputy Consul General in his address, talked about the remarkable progress we have made in all fields in the short 62 year history of free India. He reminded the audience of the "social, economic and political justice and equality, as the basis of our constitution and the principles our nation is founded on." He said "our land is flowering, and part of these flowers can be seen right here - you are the best which India has produced and will continue to produce for years to come." 
Sangeeta Ahuja, President of the GOPIO Connecticut chapter in welcoming the guests, shared Tagore's inspirational poem "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free, Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls ..... Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake." "I am so proud of the volunteers and members of our community who have come together to share our cultural heritage and participate in this day which is of great important to every Indian," she said.
Also there to celebrate the event and offer their congratulations, were Deputy Mayor of Stamford, David Martin, and the Republican candidate for Mayor, Michael Pavia. "Every citizen of the free world should be proud of India's independence and thank you for pushing democracy forward," said Martin.
A Seminar on Indian Diaspora in the Caribbean was organized by High Commission of India, supported by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) on 16 August, 2009 in collaboration with the University of West Indies (UWI), National Council for Indian Culture (NCIC) and Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) Trinidad and Tobago Chapter.  Dr. Lenny Saith, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister was the Chief Guest on this occasion. In his address Dr. Saith mentioned that the Caribbean had now become home for the Diaspora. About 180 persons drawn from various walks of life including prominent persons from academic circles attended the Seminar. After the welcome address by representatives from the UWI, greetings were extended by the President of NCIC and GOPIO, Trinidad.
Mr. D.N.Srivastava, Joint Secretary (DS), MOIA addressed the gathering and touched upon various schemes of MOIA meant for the Diaspora like Know India Program (KIP), Scholarship scheme for Diaspora Children (SPDC) and important of all the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas 2010. He also invited the Diaspora to participate in PBD 2010 in maximum number as this was the platform where the opportunity of interaction with the  people from different parts of the world existed which should be utilized for networking, exchange of ideas, exploring trade opportunities and cooperation in other fields as well. He also announced establishment of five new universities in India for Diaspora community.
Chief Guest Dr. Lenny Saith in his address welcomed the initiative of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and the High Commission of India for organizing such an event and expressed that Trinidad & Tobago will continue to be the supporter of India, but the Caribbean is home for the Indian Diaspora. In his vote of thanks, High Commissioner commended the efforts made by Indian Diaspora in preserving their culture and tradition despite facing lot of hardships at initial stages of their settlement. While urging the people to participate in greater numbers in the PBD-2010 in Delhi, he also suggested that Trinidad could be considered as the venue for a mini PBD in 2010.
The proceedings were held in two sessions with five speakers in each session with an interactive session. Professor Brinsley Samaroo, former Head of the History Department at the University of West Indies and an expert on South Asians chaired the first session and the second session was chaired by Professor Kenneth Ramchand, former Prof. of English at Colgate University, New York and recipient of Chaconia Gold Medal of the Republic of T&T.
The following speakers delivered the lecture on the topics mentioned against each:
Mr. Patrick P. Dial (Guyana) - Language and Cultural Heritage : Issues & Challenges for the Indian Diaspora.
Mr. Narinder Mohkamsingh (Suriname)- Sarnami : A matter of Pride or Concern..  Prof. Ajai Mansingh (Jamaica) - Issues and Challenges for Indian Diaspora in Jamaica.
Mr. Wilber Adams (Greneda) - The Indian Diaspora in Greneda.
Dr. Kusha Harahsingh (T&T) - Assessing the Diasporic Connection in a Globalised World.
Dr. Kriesndath Nandoe (Suriname) - Role of Customs, Rituals, Music, Dance and Cinema in Promoting Linkages.
Mr. Sat Balkaransingh (T&T) - Rituals and Festivals in Trinidad: The Changing Contexts.
Prof. John La Guerre (T&T) -  Factors in the Integration & Segregation of two dominant groups of T&T.
Dr. Pandita Indrani Rampersad (T&T) - How the Sacred Space and Folk Culture of Ramlila facilitates the continuity of Indian languages in T&T.
Mr. Primnath Gooptar (T&T) - A comprehensive power point on the first Indian film in T&T from the mid 1930s which ultimately led to the construction of many cinema halls in T&T
At the end of the session, the following recommendations were made:.
(a) Need for establishment of an Indo-Caribbean Institute.
(b) Holding Festival of Indian films to mark the 75th anniversary of  arrival of  Indian Cinema in T&T.
Indian American Farah Pandith has been formally sworn in as the first U.S. Special Representative to Muslim communities as part of the Obama Administration's efforts to reach out to the Islamic world. At a ceremony at the State Department, Ms. Farah's mother held the Koran on which she took the oath administered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Ms. Pandith, whose family migrated from Jammu and Kashmir in the late 1960s, is the first Special Representative to Muslim Communities of the United States.
"It is apparent now more than ever that we have to do more to promote dialogue and diplomacy, and Farah will play a key role in that process for us," said Ms. Clinton.
At least nine Indian-origin people work in the White House, with some getting $100,000 or more a year, official figures released by President Barack Obama's office have revealed.
Sonal Shah, who's the deputy assistant to the US President and director at Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. There are two directors of special projects, Rachana Bhowmick and Aditya Kumar who is also special assistant to Office of Chief of Staff,

Anisha Dasgupta who works as a Counsel and Pradeep Ramamurthy is the Director of Response Policy. Kavita Patel who is the Director of Policy for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, while Shomik Dutta is Special Assistant to White House Counsel.

Manashi Deshpande is the White House Policy Advisor and Taara Rangarajan is Deputy Associate Director.
President Obama has named Dr. Arun Majumdar as the first Director of the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), an agency tasked with reducing America's reliance on foreign energy supplies, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and improving energy efficiency.

"It is a rare privilege and an honor when the President asks you to serve the nation in such a capacity," said Majumdar of his nomination. , which, while needing to be confirmed by the Senate, sent ripples across the country's scientific-academic community. "I came to this country as an immigrant and am deeply appreciative and indebted to this nation for opening the doors and welcoming me with open arms. I have received so much. This is my way of stepping up and paying back."

Ever since he joined the University of California (UC), Berkeley faculty in 1997, where he holds the Almy and Agnes Maynard Chair Professorship in the College of Engineering and heads the Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Majumdar has cemented the Lab's role as a world-renowned leader in energy efficiency research in close collaboration with India and China - a feat the White House has been quick to recognize and reward.

Among the lab's partnerships is the Berkeley-India Joint Leadership on Energy and the Environment announced last year, which brings together researchers from Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley, and other US and Indian universities and institutions, with a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining sustained economic growth in both nations.

Another partnership between the Lab and China's Tsinghua University is to promote the shared development and implementation of building energy efficiency, a move intended to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the US and China.

In fact, Majumdar's mentor in academia was Professor Chang-Lin Tien, a legendary Chinese Don who went to become the Chancellor of UC Berkeley in 1990, the first Asian to head a major university in the United States.

Majumdar's India-China connections is what appears to have driven the Obama White House to choose him for the new job, considering the two countries are thought to be pivotal in the upcoming energy debate. For more than a decade, Majumdar, who is also the founding chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Nanotechnology Institute, has been the country's leading materials scientist, making spectacular advances in energy conservation. He was recently credited with developing a way to use silicon nanowires to capture and use the energy lost as heat during the production of electricity. The futuristic technology could someday be used to convert the large amounts of waste heat into useful electricity.

A graduate (mechanical engineering) of IIT-Mumbai, Majumdar came to the US in 1985 and received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989. His nomination continues the steady march of Indian geeks and academics in the higher echelons of administration. The Obama administration picked Indian-Americans for the post of White House Chief Information Officer (Vivek Kundra) and Chief Technology Officer (Aneesh Chopra). Majumdar will effectively be the Chief Energy Officer.
Indian American Dr. Islam A "A" Siddiqui has been nominated by president Obama as the Chief Agricultural Negotiator at the Office of the US Trade Representative. Once confirmed, Dr. Siddiqui will work with India and other developing countries on contentious agricultural issues that have thus far proved a sticking pointy at the World Trade Organization's stalled Doha Round.
Born in Haldwani, Uttarachal, Dr. Siddiqui currently serves as the vice president, Science and Regulatory Affairs, at the Washington, DC-based CropLife America, where he is responsible for regulatory and international trade issues related to crop protection chemicals. Earlier, he served as CropLife America's vice president for Agricultural Biotechnology and Trade. He has also led CropLife International's initiative to achieve reduction/elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers against crop protection chemicals as part of the WTO Doha Round. This included organizing seminars and briefings at the WTO headquarters in Geneva on tariff elimination for the chemical sector in coordination with the International Council of Chemical Associations, European Chemical Industry Association and the American Chemistry Council.
Dr. Siddiqui also represented CropLife America as a NGO at the WTO Ministerial Conference in December 2005 and at the International Conference of Chemical Management in February 2006. From 1997 to 2001, Siddiqui held senior positions in the Clinton Administration, including Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs in the Department of Agriculture, which at the time made him the senior-most Indian American in US government.

Dr. Siddiqui also served as Senior Trade Advisor to then Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman and Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, where he worked closely with the USTR and represented United States Department of Agriculture in bilateral, regional and multi-lateral agricultural trade negotiations. When Former US President Bill Clinton visited South Asia in March 2000, Siddiqui was the only Indian American who was part of the US delegation that traveled with Clinton on Air Force One.
From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Siddiqui served on the US Department of Commerce's Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Health/Science Products and Services, which advised the Secretary of Commerce and USTR on international trade issues related to these sectors. Before joining the Clinton Administration, he had spent nearly three decades with the California Department of Food and Agriculture in Sacramento, beginning in 1969 as a nematologist in the Department's Division on Plant Industry and rising to director of the Division, in which position he served from 1984 to 1997, when he was tapped by President Clinton to be the Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs at the USDA.
An alumnus of Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University in Pantnagar, from where he received his bachelor of science degree majoring in plant protection, Siddiqui came to the US after graduation in 1964. He received his master of science and PhD from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana in 1966 and 1969 respectively, majoring in plant pathology.
After getting his doctoral degree, Dr. Siddiqui joined the California Department of Food and Agriculture where he served for 28 years. As director, Division of Plant Industry, Siddiqui developed the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Medfly) Eradication Program in response to public opposition to the continued use of Malathion aerial sprays in local communities. As a result, Mefly infestations have not been found since that time.
Prof. C. Raja Mohan of South Asian studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore has been appointed by James H. Billington, Librarian of US Congress as the Henry Alfred Kissinger Scholar in Foreign Policy and International Relations in the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.
Prof. Mohan, a leading Indian foreign-policy analyst, will research the evolution of India's foreign policy strategy and its growing security cooperation with the United States. He is the ninth scholar to occupy the Kissinger chair. The position was created in 2000 to honor Henery Kissinger former secretary of state and to emphasize the importance of foreign affairs. The Kissinger Chair offers outstanding thinkers and practitioners a unique opportunity to pursue advanced research in the largest and most international collection of library materials in the world.
Mohan has served in the past as the strategic-affairs editor and Washington correspondent for The Hindu. He is a contributing editor for The Indian Express, New Delhi. He was professor of South Asian studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and was also a senior fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi. His published works include "Crossing the Rubicon: The Shaping of India's Foreign Policy" (2004) and "Impossible Allies: Nuclear India, United States and the Global Order" (2006).
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation last month named 24 new MacArthur Fellows for 2009. The new Fellows work across a broad spectrum of endeavors. They include an infectious disease physician, an ornithologist, a painter, a photojournalist, a bridge engineer, a climate scientist, an economist, a papermaker, a mental health lawyer, and a poet. All were selected for their creativity, originality, and potential to make important contributions in the future.
The MacArthur scholarships were founded by an Act of British Parliament in 1953 and commemorate the humane ideals of the European Recovery Programme (Marshall Plan). They are funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and administered by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission in the UK (for which the Association of Commonwealth Universities provides the Secretariat). The selection process in the US is managed by the British Council, on behalf of the British Embassy in Washington DC, and the regional Consulates-General in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco.
Two Indian Americans are among this year's scholars. They are Dr. Maneesh Agrawala is  Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA) and Dr. L. Mahadevan, De Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Dr. Maneesh Agrawala is a computer scientist designing visual interfaces that enhance our ability to understand large quantities of complex information. Working at the intersection of visualization, human-computer interaction, and computer graphics, Agrawala draws on cognitive psychology to identify the key perceptual and design principles underlying graphic illustrations. His algorithms automatically generate legible and effective designs for a variety of data types. As a graduate student, Agrawala developed LineDrive, a fully automated system for rendering route maps that both takes into account myriad cognitive factors involved in a user's navigation of routes and adapts cartographic techniques for emphasizing essential information.
Agrawala also developed a system that generates accurate and intelligible step-by-step assembly instructions for everyday items as well as complex machines (e.g., aircraft engines). The system utilizes exploded views - so that individual components of the object are spatially separated - in order to provide the user with a more direct understanding of the actual steps required for assembly. Agrawala and colleagues subsequently expanded on this work to create a program that produces illustrations of complex, three-dimensional objects, such as anatomical models. The program includes an interface that allows users to explore the spatial relationships among components by isolating parts of an object to magnify, expand, or collapse. Agrawala's novel approach to visualization and computer communication in these and many other projects is transforming how we use, synthesize, and comprehend the ever-increasing volume of digital information we encounter in our daily lives.
Agrawala received a B.S. (1994) and a Ph.D. (2002) from Stanford University. He was affiliated with Microsoft Research (2002-2006) prior to joining the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, where he is currently an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Dr. L. Mahadevan is a mathematician who applies complex mathematical analyses to a variety of seemingly simple, but vexing, questions across the physical and biological sciences - how cloth folds when draped, how skin wrinkles, how flags flutter, how Venus flytraps snap closed. Through his explorations of shape and motion, in many different material types, sizes, and time frames, Mahadevan strives to identify commonalities of the fundamental nonlinear and nonequilibrium behavior driving them.
One line of his research considers the relationship between the biochemistry and mechanics of structural molecules that form polymers, such as actin, within the cell. These investigations have parallels in his work on the hydrodynamics and elasticity of thin films and sheets (e.g., made of fabric). Mahadevan also considers properties of materials at larger scales, such as cell shape, adhesion, and migration in developmental biology, avalanche dynamics, or the role of water in determining the tensile characteristics of plants. Though he searches for and elucidates mathematical principles underpinning these complex behaviors, his focus remains on developing hypotheses that can be confirmed or rejected empirically in the lab. The unusually broad scope of his theoretical and experimental investigations defies facile categorization, but they are linked by an effort to discover the geometric and mechanical principles that determine the behavior of complex biological and physical systems.
L. Mahadevan received a B.Tech. (1986) from the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, an M.S. (1987) from the University of Texas at Austin, and an M.S. (1992) and Ph.D. (1995) from Stanford University. Since 2003, he has been affiliated with Harvard University, where he is currently the De Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics. He served previously as an assistant and associate professor (1996-2000) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and as the Schlumberger Professor of Complex Physical Systems (2001-2003) in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and a fellow of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. He holds visiting professorships at the University of Oxford's Mathematics Institute and the National Center for Biological Sciences in Bangalore, India.
Dr. Anil Mathur, a long-time Jericho, Long Island, resident, has launched his third book, The Code Breaker. A mystery and action thriller, readers from the Indian Subcontinent will find this book especially appealing because a significant part of the action in this book takes place in India.
The Code Breaker is the story of Sara Hartsfield, an investigative reporter for a TV news channel. While on an assignment in India, she came into possession of an ancient document containing some kind of secret code. Her curiosity drives her to travel all over the world and risk her life, trying to unearth the secret of the document. She also meets scientists and scholars, trying to get to the bottom of the secret.
The Code Breaker is an extensively researched book grounded in Historical and scientific facts. Dr. Mathur takes his readers on a journey full of excitement and discovery. How and when he expertly takes his readers from historical and scientific facts to the domain of fiction is shrouded in the eloquent and swift narrative and very difficult to figure out.
Dr. Anil Mathur is Vice Dean and Brodlieb Distinguished Professor of Business at the Frank G. Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University. An award winning researcher as well as educator, Dr. Mathur has published extensively in the field of marketing, including two co-authored books: Baby Boomers and Their Parents (Paramount Books, 2007) and The Maturing Marketplace: Buying Habits of Baby Boomers and their Parents (Quorum Books, 2000). The Code Breaker is his first work of fiction.
For more information about The Code Breaker, please e-mail Dr. Mathur at Or visit
The Code Breaker is available at Paperback - ISBN 97814486884656
Amendments in the Medical Council of India (MCI) regulations will open the floodgates for hundreds of non-resident Indian (NRI) doctors to come back to their roots. MCI chairman Dr Ketan Desai says the council has eased the cross-over rules and has set a target of bringing back 5,000 Indian doctors, including teachers, settled in US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

MCI has removed the main bottleneck by recognizing the post graduation and other degrees of these specific countries where health facilities are supposedly best in the world and the education was done in English medium. They have the choice of coming back to teach in a private or government college as well as work in a private or government hospital. Also, they can set up their own medical colleges and hospitals. Indian doctors in these countries are the richest segment even among NRIs.

While some of them may like to come back because of recession, there are others who have made plenty of money and are not looking to come back to India to make more money. "There is a large segment who wants to serve their homeland,'' said Dr Desai, who is based in Ahmedabad.

Apart from accepting foreign degrees, the MCI has made special provision so that foreign experience is also counted. For example, if there is a professor of medicine in a US university, with the required number of years of experience to become one in India, he can be hired as a professor by any medical college in India. This will bring about a huge change not only in the cities but also in the countryside, if the doctors returning home really go deeper into their roots. Besides, MCI also sees the possibility of groups of NRI doctors coming back and pooling in their resources to build hospitals and medical colleges.

"This exercise will infuse competition in the private sector and be good for the overall health infrastructure in the long run. Imagine if we have two professors in cardiac surgery coming back to Ahmedabad, which has only two or three cardiac surgeons right now, so many more cardiac surgeons will be readied in the next ten years,'' the MCI chief said.

For marketing the concept, MCI has teamed up with the Indian Medical Association, Association of American Physicians of India and British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin to host an event in New Delhi on January 2-4, 2010.
India and France formally signed Social Security Agreement last month under which Indians in France will not have to pay social security contributions to the government there for short-term employment contracts of up to 48 months.   
India has already signed a similar social security agreement with Belgium while similar agreements have also been approved to be signed with Germany, the Netherlands, Oman and Bahrain.  Negotiations for similar agreements are in progress with the governments of Sweden, Norway and Switzerland.
India Empire, a magazine for NRIs/PIOs, published from Delhi, is inviting nominations for awards to be presented at a gala event on Jan 10, 2010, in New Delhi. The award categories include leadership in Business, community, youth, cultural, academic, media, political and entertainment. The nominations can be filed at
The establishment of a regional weather station in Trinidad and Tobago to help predict threatening weather patterns has been promised by Indian High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago Malay Mishra. Speaking at a press conference to announce upcoming events last Thursday, Mishra said he planned to include India-based scientists to assist with the setting up of the centre. "We want to use space technology to help predict the weather. As you know Trinidad and Tobago is in the hurricane belt and we would like to see a regional hub in the country with footprints of the centre throughout the region," Mishra said in Port of Spain.
High Commi8ssioner Mishra said the Commission partnered with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education and the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) to host the science and technology delegation that is responsible for setting up the centre.  Mishra said the local studies will use the satellites launched as part of India's space research program earlier this year.  An offshoot of the regional centre will focus on renewable wind energy and oceanic studies. "We invited the scientists behind the research and development for harnessing wind energy and ocean energy in India," Mishra said. Scientists will be in the country to map wind potential and set up study stations to develop wind technology in the country.  He said a traditional ten-member Indian folk dance team will visit for the Diwali season, from October 13 to 23 and will perform on the Diwali holiday on October 17, 2009.
The University of Iowa is accepting applications for its 2009-2010 Winter program in India.  This intensive, three-week field-based program provides students with the opportunity to learn from and directly interact with leading social entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions within the diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical mosaic that is India.  Students select and participate in one of 16 courses investigating a wide variety of topics related to Entrepreneurship, Performing Arts, Social Justice, Public Health, Sustainable Development and much more.  Each course is led by a University of Iowa professor.  This program has grown significantly since it began in 2006. 
Through the newly-expanded course content undergraduate, graduate and non-degree seeking students work and study in conjunction with world-class NGOs and academic institutions to help alleviate poverty and promote environmental awareness (including climate change issues), human rights, and public health. Students can find more information, including an application at:  
Consideration of application will begin on September 25th and will continue until all the spaces are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. The winter 2009 - '10 program fee for non-University of Iowa students and other participants is $2,323. The program fee includes tuition, orientation, lodging in India, all program related transportation in India, translators and field guides, excursions and cultural programs, and conference registration, luncheons, and banquets. Roundtrip airfare is not included in the program fee. Dates of the program in India: December 27, 2009-January 15, 2010
Please direct questions to or phone 319-335-0353. Cory Petersen, India Winterim Program Assistant, Office for Study Abroad, 1111 University Capitol Centre, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.
Global Indian Scientists & Technocrats Conventionis being planned from 16th to 18th December 2009 in Pune, India to create an 'integration platform' for the Indian science and technology community and the Indian diaspora engaged in science and technology with the development process of India.
The GIST initiative is being led by eminent scientists and technocrats like Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Dr. Vasantrao Govariker, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, etc. An International Advisory Committee has been formed under the Chairmanship of Dr. Prakash Ambegaonkar and eminent scientists and technocrats. The National Advisory Committee comprises of many prominent Indian scientists and technocrats like Dr. Sameer Brahmachari (DG- CSIR), Dr. V. M. Katoch (DG- ICMR), Dr. Sanjay Dhande (Director-IIT Kanpur), Dr. Yadav (Director- UICT now known as ICT), Dr. J. B. Joshi (Past Director UICT), Dr. Anil Datar (Director- ARDE), and  Dr. M. S. Swaminathan, the father of Indian Green Revolution.
More information about the convention is available at  
Edited by Laxhmi Narayan Kadekar (Department of Sociology) and Aya Kumar Sahoo (Center for Study of Indian Diaspora) of the University of Hyderabad in India, and Gauri Battacharya of the School for Social Work at Columbia University in New York, the "The Indian Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Context" is a publication in honor of Professor Chandershekhar Bhat, former Chair of the Center for Study of Indian Diaspora at the University of Hyderabad in India. Prof Bhat was the Chair of GOPIO's 20th Anniversary Convention Diaspora Session "Energizing the Global Indian Diaspora" held on Aug 22, 2009 in New York.
This book offers rich insights into the historical processes, dynamics of contemporary global dynamics, and influences on identity issues, generational differences, and issues arising in the Indian Diaspora. The book addresses issues for retention of cultural identities of Indians in the older Diasporic countries. It also focuses on contemporary context of migration of Indians to the developed countries and their contribution to the economy of host societies as well as the country of origin.
This publication is useful to sociologists as well as scholars working in anthropology, political science, geography, history, literary, cultural, ethnic and migration studies. "The Indian Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Context" is 284 pages in length, a 2009 publication of Rawat Publications (Jaipur, India) ISBN No. 81-316-0210-9. For more details, contact: Prof. Chandershekhar Bhat at
EuroAsian is partnering with the Academy of Masters and Professional Courses from The Hague University of Applied Sciences to bridge cultures and arrange a "meeting of business and academic leaders" from India and Europe. Invitations are being sent for participants to the 8th EuroAsian Entrepreneurship & Management Network Conference to be held on 6th October, 2009 at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague, Netherlands. The conference seeks to bring together academia and Industry as well as (prospective) students and discuss the theme of "Value Creation" from the perspective of Developing and Managing Alliances, New Ventures and Human Resources. We will have a few brief scene-setting talks to set up the discussion themes in different interactive workshops. Together with speakers and invited guests from India, Europe, USA and elsewhere including University Presidents, Vice-Chancellors and various CEOs of both large and Small companies, as well as governmental organizations and NGO's.

Program includes 3 sessions: Alliances, Mergers & Acquisitions; Innovative Entrepreneurship & Sourcing; and Human Resource Management. The conference planners expect to deliver value by putting participants in contact to discuss collaboration opportunities within the academia-academia and academic-industry interface based on the networking request. Referred to as  structured networking, they intend to bring together people with a certain common interest. We look forward to discussions about the educational and training needs of companies and also discuss with other Universities (both research-based and applied sciences) their experience with such course and surely opportunities to partner/collaborate with us.

Please contact Vivek Nagpaul, conference chair for more information on  or on his cell + (31) 64 767 3854 (CET). Visit
The Indian American community is grieved by the passing away of Prakash Parekh. Parekh, editor and publisher of Gujarat Times, died of heart failure at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Oct. 1. He was 65. He was suffering from ill health for over a year and had undergone a heart transplant surgery in May.
Prakash has been a great community activist and leader. As one of the early immigrants to America, Prakash had been involved on many community organizations since the 1970s, supporting many larger causes of our community.
Prakash served the Indian community in different capacities as president of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA), Secretary of the National Federation of Indian Associations (NFIA), Secretary of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in New York, President of Indian American Cultural Association of West Chester, President of India Cultural Society of New Jersey and as a Founder Member of the Global Organization of People of Indian origin (GOPIO).
He also served as a legal adviser to several cultural, religious, business and political organizations like JAINA, Vaishnav Temple of New York, BAPS, Indian Dental Association and the Indian American Center for Political Awareness. He was also an active member of the Gujarati Samaj and the Maharashtra Mandal and participated in dramas and cultural shows.
At the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York in 1989, Prakash was the chairman of the Resolution Committee. He helped and coordinated to draft 23 resolutions ( which included the PIO CARD and Dual Nationality. It was based on these resolutions that GOPIO campaigned with Govt. of India to grant these demands.
He is survived by his wife Sudha, son Neil, daughter-inlaw Pamela, daughter Amy and son-in-law Rajeev Mehta.
GOPIO has conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

GOPIO is a non-partisan, non-sectarian global organization with chapters in several countries, actively promoting the interests of people of Indian origin worldwide by monitoring and addressing current critical issues of concern, and by enhancing cooperation and communication between groups of Indians living in various countries.


GOPIO Individual Life membership is open to all who believe in the mission of GOPIO. The one- time fee is $5,000 for Platinum Life Membership, $2,500 for Gold Life Membership and $1,500 Silver Life Membership and half the amount for each category for those from developing countries and India.


GOPIO is looking forward to opening chapters in all major cities of the world so as to network people of Indian origin all over the world. If you do not have chapter in your city, please visit GOPIO website (

and get details of chapter initiation (visit Process involves sending a letter of intent to start a chapter by a committee of five people or more.  For more information, contact:


GOPIO Chairman - Inder Singh, Tarzana, California, USA, Tel: 818-708-3885, E-mail:

GOPIO President - Lord Daljit Rana, UK, Tel:  +44 28-9807-8787, Email:

GOPIO Executive Vice President- Ashook Ramsaran, Fresh Meadows, New York City, Tel: 718/939-8194, E-mail: 

To become a Life member of GOPIO, one can sign up online at or fill up the form and send it with a check to: GOPIO, P.O. Box 1413, Stamford, CT 06904, USA.



Chief Editor: Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman, GOPIO (Stamford, CT, USA)

Editors: Ashook Ramsaran, GOPIO General Secretary (New York, USA)

Webmasters: Prashant Gupta (Hyderabad, India) and Abu Thomas (New Rochelle, NY, USA)

Contributors of this issue: 

Inder Singh (USA), Dr. Piyush Agrawal (USA), Anjali Sachdev (USA), Suraj Sadan (Canada) 

GOPIO NEWS welcomes NRI/PIO related stories from all over the world. Be a volunteer correspondent or reporter. Contact Dr. Thomas Abraham, Tel: 203-329-8010, E-mail:

Visit GOPIO's Official site at or