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November12, 2009
A Publication of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Issue:  November12,2009
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GOPIO International President Lord Diljit Rana has received the prestigious Dublin Fellowship Award from Griffith College in Dublin.

Lord Rana gained the award for his efforts to promote better relationships between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland at the college’s Convocation.

Among Lord Rana’s initiatives to promote better relationships was the formation of GOPIO Ireland last year. Lord Rana is now President of GOPIO Ireland, which draws its members from both parts of Ireland.

Lord Rana has also encouraged the college to strengthen links with similar institutions in India.

Fellowship Award

                    President Lord Diljit Rana received the prestigious Dublin Fellowship Award from Griffith College in Dublin.

Griffith College is Ireland’s largest independent third level institution. Situated on a seven-acre campus within a mile of St. Stephen’s Green on Dublin’s South Circular Road, it enjoys a strong national and a growing international reputation for student success. The College has gained an enviable reputation for providing students with first class lectures and excellent study material.

Today there are over 8,000 students studying in the college, which is a designated educational institute of the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC).

The college offers both academic and professional programmes, full and part-time, short-term and long-term and from classroom to distance based. All its programmes enjoy external recognition and approval and are taught by highly respected lecturers to give students an inspiring and rewarding education.

The college currently has 66 different nationalities studying there and this number continues to grow annually. International students have contributed greatly to the success if the college, both academically and through sporting and cultural achievements.

Griffith College is also a recognised educational institution by the Chinese Embassy in Ireland and the Chinese Ministry of Education, Beijing.

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Distinguished lawyer Anil Malhotra has produced ‘India NRIs and the Law’, a comprehensive review of legal issues affecting the Indian Diaspora.

The book is the first study of its kind to offer such guidance to NRIs and is published by Universal Law Publishing of Delhi.

It is a compilation of articles written by Mr Malhotra, a Chandigarh-based advocate on problems and issues which pertain to non-resident Indians and all those persons who may be closely or remotely related to them.

The problems include subjects like marriage, divorce, domestic violence, spousal maintenance, adoption, succession, inheritance, probate and surrogacy.

Mr. Malhotra said the lure of settling in foreign jurisdictions attracts a sizeable Indian population but the problems created by such migration largely remain unresolved.

For example, an NRI abandoning the bride in a foreign country or the girl coming back to India with the child is a common problem.

No special Indian legislation exists to combat such remedies, he added, adding that a codified law on the subject is an absolute necessity. “Till then registration of marriages must be made compulsory. This will in turn ensure compliance of conditions of a valid marriage, provide proof of marriage and act as a deterrent for bigamous practices,” he said. 

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