The outstanding achievements of Heenal
Raichura, the UK’s youngest medical doctor, have been described as
“truly inspirational” by GOPIO International President Lord Diljit Rana.
Dr Raichura
(born 1985 and from an NRI family, graduated from St George's, University of
London in June 2008. She studied at The Frances Bardsley School for Girls in
Romford, Essex, where she obtained 7 A*s, 3 As and 1 B in her GCSEs (at age 14)
and then at the Coopers' Company and Coborn School in Upminster, where she left
with four As and one B for her A-levels. Her intelligence was evident early on,
joining Mensa International at the age of 9, with an IQ of 170[3]. Raichura was
the youngest UK secondary pupil in 1995 when she was 9.
Lord Rana said: Dr Raichura is a wonderful
example to our young people and deserves the greatest credit for her talents
and dedication.”
Raichura, whose family roots are in
Gujarat, had difficulty finding a university to prepared to accept her at the
age of 16, but entered St George's, University of London to read Medicine]. Six
years later, Raichura graduated with an MBBS from St George's and an
intercalated BSc in anatomy and developmental biology from University College
She began as a junior doctor in August 2008
at University College Hospital in London. Go To Top