February, 2002
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Tuesday announced that the government has 
resolved the issue of dual citizenship, which would facilitate Indians settled 
abroad to make their contributions in the progress of the country.
"There were problems in resolving the issue. But now the issue has been resolved 
and I am hopeful that Indians settled abroad would find it suitable," he said 
after receiving the report of the high level committee on Indian diaspora, 
headed by noted jurist L M Singhvi.
He said, "We are in favor of dual citizenship, but not dual loyalty.''
Vajpayee said that Indians settled abroad should also have loyalty to the 
countries where they had settled and would fulfill their responsibilities as 
citizens of those countries.
Singhvi said the committee had identified the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and 
New Zealand, a large part of Europe and Singapore for implementation of dual 
He said the committee recommended dual citizenship within the framework of the 
Citizenship Act and it did not involve any amendment in the Constitution.
GOPIO welcomes this news. Dual citizenship was passed as a resolution at the 
First national Convention of Asian Indians in North America held in New York in 
1980 which resulted in the formation of the National Federation of Indian 
Associations (NFIA). At the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin, 
one major resolution was on  "DUAL CITIZENSHIP," as follows: "The Government of 
India should consider further liberalizing dual nationality privileges for 
Indians permanently settled abroad on a country-by-country basis after careful 
consideration of all aspects of the question."
GOPIO is extremely pleased that the Singhvi committee has made exactly the same 
Over 500 Indian Americans and their American friends gathered on January 13th in 
Los Angeles to pay their tribute to the first Indian American elected to the 
United States Congress. Several Indian organizations joined to sponsor the 
event. A seminar and a gala banquet commemorated the day when Dalip Singh Saund 
took oath at the nation's capital. Delegates from the states of New York, 
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Texas, California, British Columbia and Minnesota 
attended the tribute function. Saund family was at hand to share their joy.
The weeks that led to this day saw extensive write ups of Saund's contributions 
published all over the world in both ethnic and mainstream American press giving 
broad converge of congressman Saund's pioneer works both as a pioneer and US 
The day began with a seminar entitled "Indian Diaspora: Tale of Indian American 
Pioneers". Dr. Rajan Anand who had held a very high ranking position during 
Clinton Administration facilitated the seminar program. Speakers included, 
Professor Jayasri Hart, Producer & Director of Roots in the Sand; Prof. Karen 
Leonard of University of California, Irvine and author of books on Indian 
pioneers; Dr. Harbans Lal, Professor Emeritus, University of North Texas Health 
Science Center; Dr. Jagat Motowani of New York, author "Global Indian Diaspora", 
Michael Potts of India West, Maryland State representative Kumar Bharve, and 
successful physician Dr. Baldev Devgan.
The seminar speakers highlighted the heavy odds against Dr. Saund in his fight 
for his beliefs and how he won all the battles successfully.  He succeeded in 
developing special constituency of all ethnic communities as well as confidence 
of all American voters who elected him for three terms. Youth were urged to 
emulate Dr. Saund by seeking public service office at very level. Similarly 
parents were urged to be proactive in providing appropriate environments for 
their children to grow in this new world.
The seminar was followed by a packed house for PBS documentary "Roots in the 
Sand" depicting early Indian American pioneers who were mostly Sikhs from 
The evening reception and a banquet dinner were addressed by invited dignitaries 
where Saund family members (Ellie Ford, daughter; Eric and Neil Saund, 
grandsons) were introduced to the audience. Consul General S. Viswanathan spoke 
on behalf of the Government of India saying that Saund made India and Indians 
proud. Keynote Speaker, Ujjal Sing Dosanjh, Former Premier of British Columbia 
spoke at length his experiences in public life and potentials of Indian 
Americans in their newly adopted home in North American continent. Satveer 
Chaudhary, Minnesota State Senator paid homage to a century of toils of pioneers 
from India for their countless achievements. He asked the diaspora generation to 
dream of becoming the president of USA, Kumar Barve, Maryland State Assemblyman 
who was the first Indian American elected as State Assemblyman and is a leading 
candidate for an open seat for US congress spoke about the legacy of late Dalip 
Singh Saund. 
Inder Singh President Elect of Global Organization of People of Indian Origin 
who headed the celebration, in welcoming the guests, himself paid tributes to 
the legacy of a man who started it all and whose life is a beacon of hope, a 
source of inspiration and a worthy role model for all Indian Americans. He not 
only brought two other associations, Indian American Friendship Council and 
Global Punjabi Diaspora, to actively co-organize the event but also brought 
several community organizations to participate in the event. For his dedication 
and commitment, he was recognized and repeatedly applauded as the "first" to 
organize tribute function for the "first" Indian American congressman, late Dr. 
Saund. He also brought many "firsts" that included former British Columbia 
Premier Dosanjh, Dr. Joy Cherian, Kumar Barve and Satvir Chaudhary to the 
function, who paid their own tribute to the late congressman Saund.
The conference, which was postponed because of the terrorist attacks in New 
York, is rescheduled for September 20th to 23rd, 2002. Please visit for updates.
September 20-23, 2002
Crowne Plaza Hotel, La Guardia Airport, 104-04 Ditmars 
Blvd., East Elmhurst, New York 11369, USA
Conference Theme
"People of Indian Origin - Technology, Investment, Business and 
Networking Opportunities"
Organized By
Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) &
Business Council
March 22-23, 2002
Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street, NW Washington DC
Visit our web site: for details.
Hosted By
National Federation of Indian-American Associations (NFIA)
Sponsored By
U.S.-India Business Council (US-IBC), The World Bank Institute 
(WBI), University of Georgia (UG), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), 
Indian CEO High Tech Council (ICEO), Global Organization of People of Indian 
Origin (GOPIO), Silicon India (TIE)
Friday March 22, 2002  
Morning Session (9:00AM-12: 30 PM)
Conference Opening - Hon. Anthony Williams,Mayor,District of 
Welcome: Dr. Parthasarathy Pillai, President, NFIA
Conference Goals: 
Dr. Joydeb Roy, Executive Director, NFIA
Session I: Building Better Trade Relations 
Keynoter - U.S. Secretary of Commerce* 
Keynoter - Science & Technology Minister of India* 
Keynoter - Hon.S.M.Krishna, Chief Minister, Karnataka,India 
Remarks - Hon. David S Iannucci, Secretary Maryland Dept.of Business & Economic 
Panel Discussions: Ambassador Lalit Mansingh, Ambassador Frank Wisner(USIBC)*, 
Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia(IMF)
11:00 AM- 11:15 AM             
Coffee Break
11:15 AM-12:30 PM              
Session II: Trade & Investment 
Keynote - Hon. Kenneth W Dam, U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury*
Discussion:Mr. Lakshman Achuthan, Managing Director, BusinessCycle, NY, Mr. 
Joydeep Mukherjee, Standard & Poor*,Dr. Michael Clark, Executive Director, USIBC
Mr. Natwar Gandhi, CFO, District of Columbia
Mr. Ajay Malhotra, Minister, 
Commerce, Embassy of India
I2:30PM - 2:00 PM              
U.S.-India Emerging Relationship
Mr. Bobby Jindal. 
Asst. Secretary, US Dept.of Health and Human Services  
Dr. Stephen Cohen, Brookings Institution
Friday March 22, 2002  
Afternoon Session (2:00PM-6:00 PM)
2:00PM- 3:30 PM        
Session III: Security & Terrorism
Keynoter - U.S. Attorney 
Keynoter - Ambassador T.P.Sriniwasan, Indian Ambassador to Austria
Panel Discussion:Dr. Anupam Shrivastava , South Asia Program, University of  
3:30PM-6:00 PM         
Session IV. Hospitality & Tourism
Mr. Niraj Baxi, 
President-Elect NFIA
Mr. Willaim Hansbury, President, Convention & Tourism 
Corp., Washington DC 
Ms Reba Pitman Walker, President, Hotel Association of Washington DC
6:00 PM-7:30 PM        
NFIA Reception
Saturday March 23, 2002        
Morning Session (9:00 AM-12:30 PM)
Keynoter - Dr. Sam Petroda, CEO, World-Tel India's role in 
innovative technologies 
9:20AM-10:30 AM:               
Session V:Trade & Technology Information Technology, Global 
Capital Market, Strategies for Corporate Acquisitions, Intellectual Properties
Mr. Neil Callagan, IBM Corporation, Mr. Arun Bellary, Chairman and CEO of 
Prof. Harbir Singh, Wharton School, Dr. Shantanu Das, CEO, TranSwitch 
Mr. Parth Tiwari, McKinsey & Co.
Mr. Sudhakar Senoy, CEO, 
Information Management Consultants
10:30AM- 10:45 AM:             
Coffee Break
10:45 AM -12:30 PM:            
Session VI: Trade & Technology ROUND TABLE    
From ideas to 
products, successful entrepreneurship, promising technology, technology 
transfer, challenges faced by entrepreneurs of Indian origin in US, A winning 
business climate for India
Panel Discussion: Dr. Tejas Vakil, Mr. Subhash Patil, 
Co-Founder TIE*, Mr. Subash C Roy, TranSwitch Corporation, Dr. Pradeep      Ganguly, 
Director, Maryland Business Development, Mr. Prasanta K Biswal, Director, FICCI, 
Dr. Vaikunth Gupta,*,Dr. Hemant Kanakia* 
12:30 PM -2:00 PM              
Luncheon Break 
U.S.-India Relationship,Ambassador-At-Large Bhisma K Agnihotri , Senator Paul 
Saturday March 23, 2002        
Afternoon Session
2:00 PM-3:00 PM        
Session VII: Business Opportunities
Panel Discussion:Emerging 
Technologies: Business Opportunities and Challenges          
Mr. Javad (Jay) K. 
Hassan, Chairman, AM Communications
Mr. Reggie Aggarwal, CEO Cvent, Dr. T 
(Kesh)Keshavadas, Professor, SUNY, Buffalo 
Mr. Govind Kizhepat, EVP, Globespan
Dr. Sriram Viswanathan, Director of 
Strategic Investments, Intel Capital
Hidden Treasures: Medical Technology & Biotechnology 
Dr.Manoj Jain, CEO, Biocore Technologies Inc.,       
Dr.Mohammed Majeed, CEO, 
Sabinsha Corp. 
Dr. Sekhar Rao,CEO, Helixity, Dr. Ved Brat, CEO Braton Biotech
Coffee Break
4:15PM-5:00 PM         
Session VIII:  A View from the Community 
Mr. Satveer Choudhury, State Senator, Minnesota ,Professor Devesh Kapur, Harvard 
Mr. Neil Patel, Staff Secretary, VP Richard Cheney, Ms. Preeta 
Bansal, Harvard University
U.S. -India Relations-perspective of business community
Thomas Abraham, President GOPIO, Mr. Swadesh Chatterjee, President, Brandts 
Dr. Joy Cherian, President, J Cherian  Consultants, Mr. Kishore 
6:00PM-7:30 PM:        
Social Hour
7:30 PM-9:30 PM        
Dinner Banquet
Secretary of State Colin Powell*
Hon. Norman 
Mineta, Secretary of Transportation
Congresswoman Connie Morella
Ackerman* and Benjamin Gilman*
Dr. Vinod Thomas, V.P.,World Bank 
Ms. Marriott*
Dr. Deepak Chopra*
9:30PM-10:30 PM:               
11:00 AM                       
* Invited
Please register for the conference today. Further information 
Reserve the hotel rooms.  Omni Shoremam: 202-234-0700, Clarion Hampshire: 
With the amendments to GOPIO constitution last year, new city-based chapters are 
being initiated all over the world. The new chapters are already working in New 
York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Harare, Durban and Zurich. GOPIO President Dr. 
Thomas Abraham recently visited India and initiated GOPIO chapters in Bangalore, 
Cochin, Trivandrum and Kolkatta. 
"By the end of this year we hope to have 35 chapters around the world and this 
will be something very big for the PIO community and India," said Dr. Abraham. 
"Within the next 2-3 years, we should be able to develop a great network of 
GOPIO chapters in all major cities of the world," added Dr. Abraham.
One can initiate a chapter and become part of this global network of people of 
Indian origin by visiting GOPIO's Chapter Initiative website to get a copy of the guidelines governing 
GOPIO chapters. Alternately, call GOPIO's International coordinator Dr. Jagat 
Motwani at 631-421-4288 in USA.
PIOs are encouraged to publicize businesses and services though GOPIO Business 
Council Bulletin Board free of charge. Please visit 
Spend a year in India doing public service
Indicorps offers competitive fellowships for Indian-Americans interested in 
spending a year (September 2002 to August 2003) on unique social service 
projects in India.  Fellowships are designed as one-of-a-kind transformational 
experiences, emphasizing both public service and personal growth. Indicorps, a 
new non-profit organization, will provide a stipend to 10 fellows who are 
willing to commit a year to implement service projects established with partner 
organizations in India.  All fellows will participate in a four-week orientation 
program, share experiences through regular retreats, and are actively supported 
by Indicorps and partner organizations.  Prospective fellows must be at least 
50% of Indian origin with a college degree or five years equivalent work 
experience. The application and more information is available online at
Applications are due April 26, 2002.  Email or call (858) 
483-0933 for more information.
Visit GOPIO's Official site at