March, 2003


v     GOPIO Welcomes New Chapters

v     GOPIO Sets Up Fiji Cyclone Rehabilitation Fund, Raises Funds in New York

v     No Tax on NRIs Staying Abroad 90% of the Time Since 1993

v     NFIA Pledges Support for Bobby Jindals Campaign

v     PIO Human Rights Violations Conference

v     GOPIO Chapter news

v     Global Indian Technovators Awards 2003

v     GOPIOs Business and Professional Service Bulletin Board



 With the passage of a new amendment to GOPIO constitution, GOPIO Chapters are being initiated in all major cities of the world. One can initiate a chapter and become part of this global network of people of Indian origin by visiting GOPIOs Chapter Initiation website to get a copy of the guidelines governing GOPIO chapters. Alternately, call GOPIOs International coordinator Dr. Jagat Motwani at 631-421-4688 or Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran at 718-363-1900 or contact by e-mail at or write to GOPIO International Inc., P.O. Box 1413, Stamford, CT 06904, USA.


Just recently, Cyclone Ami hit Fiji with destructive force of a hurricane with wind speeds gusting up to 180 knots per hour and caused widespread destruction to north-eastern Vanua Levu including Labasa and surrounding areas, and to outer islands in the Lau Groups and eastern Fiji. There were over two dozen deaths and enormous property damage.

Part of the damage in the Labasa area was caused by heavy flooding brought about by the cyclone. Homes have been washed away, destroyed or substantially damaged, crops have been ruined, power lines brought down and water supply disrupted. Hundreds of people are left with just the clothes on their back.

Much of the loss occurred because the cyclone struck at night. Labasa suffered a complete blackout even before the full fury of the cyclone was unleashed. The area suffered massive destruction to infrastructure. There has been over $50 million US dollars in damage along  with deaths and destruction to lives. A rehabilitation effort has been started with several international voluntary agencies involved in it. GOPIO has set up a Fiji Cyclone Fund. Renowned pro-golf  player Vijay Singh has extended his support in the GOPIO efforts to raise funds. The funds will be channeled through the agencies working in the field for immediate needs such as food, clean water, and shelter as well as to get children back in school to get their minds off the traumatic events and catastrophe. GOPIO will take advice from former Fiji Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry who has been actively involved in the relief and rehabilitation efforts in the affected areas.

GOPIO has designated President-elect Inder Singh to be the Coordinator for Fiji Cyclone Relief Fund. Contact Singh by email ( or by phone at 818 708-3885. Dron S. Battan from the Indo-Fijian community, from Downey, CA is as an important contributor to this effort and managed to get Mr. Vijay Singh's support to help this cause for the cyclone victims of Fiji.

GOPIO organized a fund-raiser in New York on February 12th in the presence of the legendary icon of Indian film Dev Anand at The Tandoor Restaurant in Rego Park, Queens, New York. Anand was the guest of honor. He reminded everyone that people of Indian origin have been living in Fiji for generations and they need for assistance due to the Cyclone that brought death and devastation.. He said, Please give and give generously to them especially at this time of their need. We cannot control disasters, but we must help each other.

Anand was encouraged that the attendees did not include any Fijian yet the attendees came out to support them. He gave his time freely, posing for photographs, taking questions, signing books and autographs. He briefly discussed the release his new movie Love in Times Square on Valentines Day. The program was compeered by GOPIO Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran. GOPIO President inducted Dev Anand to be a Honorary Life Member of GOPIO.

A few years ago, Gujarat earthquake shook NRI/PIO conscience. NRIs/PIOs liberally contributed to help the victims. GOPIO makes an appeal to do likewise for Fijian PIO brethren who have suffered from cyclone Ami. GOPIO has assured that one hundred percent of the contribution will be sent for this humanitarian cause. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to: GOPIO Inc., c/o Dr. Sushila Gidwani, 243 Palisade Ave., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522.

No Tax on NRIs Staying Abroad for 90% of Time Since 1993

At the new budget presented by Finance Minister Jaswant Singh, the Government of India has decided to exempt from income tax Non-Resident Indians who have stayed abroad 90 per cent of the time in the last 10 years. This facility would be available for two years, Finance Minister Jaswant Singh said presenting the Budget for 2003-04.

"There is a category of taxpayers in India ordinarily not found elsewhere -- the not ordinarily resident. They do not normally have to pay tax on their foreign sourced income," Singh said, adding there was confusion on this provision due to different legal interpretations.

"To set the matters at rest, the relevant definition has been suitably amended so that the benefit will now be available to persons for two years in case they remain non-resident for the last nine out of ten years," Singh said.

The government also abolished tax clearance certificates needed for a person leaving India or for those submitting tender for a government contract. "Henceforth, only expatriates who come to India in connection with business, profession or employment, would have to furnish guarantee from their employer in respect of tax payable before they leave India," Singh said.

An Indian citizen would also have to give his permanent account number (PAN) and the period of his intended visit abroad to the emigration authorities.



The National Federation of Indian-American Associations (NFIA) will lend its full support to the campaign of Bobby Jindal for the governor of Louisiana. Jindal will be the first American of Indian decent to run for governor in the United States, and if elected, will be the youngest head of State.

"We are delighted to see the great heights Bobby Jindal has reached at this young age," said Niraj Baxi, the president of NFIA,  "We will do everything in our capacity to help him in his quest to become the governor of Louisiana."

Jindal who served for nearly two years as Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation of Health and Human Services, the highest-level politicalappointee of Indian origin in the Bush Administration recently resigned from that job to start his campaign for the State governor. A graduate from the Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar, Jindal previously served in Louisiana as Secretary of Health and Hospitals. He was credited for rescueing the State's Medicaid program from bankruptcy by turning a $400 million deficit, into three years of surpluses totaling $220 million. He was only 26 year old at that time. In 1999, he was appointed President of the University of Louisiana, the youngest person to head a major university in the country.

NFIA President-elect Rajen Anand who served as head of a USDA agency for over 6 years in the Clinton administration, described Jindal as pride of the Indo-American community, who deserve full support, especially financial help, from the entire community in the United States. He strongly urged people to open their wallets and generously donate money to Jindal's Campaign. "It will be great to see someone from first generation of Indo-Americans to occupy the highest office in the State of Louisiana," added Anand.

Jindal has accepted an invitation from NFIA to attend its Board of Directors meeting scheduled in New Orleans, March 7-9, 2003. He will be addressing the Board on Saturday evening.

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA, Jindal is product of public school system in the state. He received his High School diploma from Baton Rouge High School and went on to graduate in biology and public policy from the Brown University. Jindal is married to Supriya Jolly and they have a one-year-old daughter.

"We have a golden opportunity to lend our support to a fellow Indian, and we should not miss it," observed Rajendra Jain of New Orleans, the Vice President of NFIA and a close family friend of the Jindals.

PIO Human Rights Violations Conference

HUMAN  RIGHTS  PERSPECTIVES: The Experiences of East Indians Abroad

In-Depth Reports, Discussions and Analyses on All Types of Atrocities and Abuses Against East Indians Living Outside of India in Countries with Significant Population of People of Indian Origin. Reports on Fiji, Guyana, Trinidad, Surname, African Countries and others.

Sponsored  By St. Johns University, Center on Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Queens, New York, USA

Date: Fall 2003
Venue - St. Johns University, Jamaica New York

Co-Sponsored By Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Supported By The Guyanese East Indian Civic Association (GEICA)
And Several Other Institutions & Organizations


Please send an abstract to Ashook Ramsaran at or call 718-353-1900.

GOPIO Chapter News

GOPIO-Chicagolands official inauguration is scheduled for end of May 2003. The chapter will cover Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin. If you like to participate or become a member, please contact Chapter President Samir Shah at 847-004-7327 ( or Secretary Prashant Gupta at 847-541-4461 (


 The Idea

 To recognize and felicitate twenty distinguished innovators of Indian origin working at the cutting-edge of technology and harnessing these technologies for far-reaching applications. The awards emphasize the need to honor young, upcoming people; the upper age limit is 40 as one of the criteria for nominations.

Specialty Areas

  1. Biotechnology
  2. Materials and devices
  3. Information technology
  4. Medicine and healthcare
  5. Social development

Nominations are also invited in other categories that do not fit into one of the above broad areas.


1. Recognize and encourage the innovative, and creative spirit of people of Indian origin.

2. Identify potential role models for the younger generation.

3. Provide a platform to showcase the talents of these young innovators.

4. Help in building stronger ties with the global community

5. Help advance scientific temper


Nominations are invited on a global basis. These will be screened by doctoral and post-doctoral students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Finally, nominations will be judged by a panel consisting of eminent researchers, and prominent personalities in the industry and venture capitalist arenas. Judges will be carefully chosen to represent the spectrum of fields encompassed by these awards. The presentation ceremony will be held at MIT, in October 2003.

The call for nominations will be open until May 31, 2003. Nominations can be filled in at:

Award Organizers

Sangam - The Indian Students' Association at MIT; Sangam is an active student group, recognized widely by the Indian community around New England. This event is being undertaken by the Indian Business Club, one of the various initiatives of Sangam. Please visit: or

Business and Professional Services Bulletin Board

NRIs/PIOs and businessmen from India are encouraged to publicize businesses and services though GOPIO Business Council Bulletin Board free of charge. Please visit

Visit GOPIOs Official site at