May, 2002
Third European Regional Conference, Leiden, (The Netherlands)
June 7-9, 2002
Foundation for Critical Choices for India, the host of the GOPIO Third European 
Regional Conference, is pleased to invite you to this Conference, which is 
scheduled to be held on 8 and 9 June, 2002, in Holiday Inn, at Leiden.
The Conference will bring together a large number of People of Indian Origin 
(PIOs) and non-Indian residents (NRIs) from various countries in Europe and from 
USA. The Conference will provide a good opportunity for business, professional 
and social networking.
The main theme of the Conference is Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)community in 
Europe and therefore it will focus its deliberations, inter alia, on 
Globalisation: opportunities, problems and the role of Pios particularly in 
Europe. It shall also pinpoint the opportunities and problems concerning 
business, cultural, professional and social networking among PIOs particularly 
in Europe. Role of PIOs as global citizens will also come under scrutiny and the 
issues concerning the PIO immigrants and/or residents in Europe will be 
identified and addressed. Final details of the programme shall be made available 
to you after receiving the confirmation of your participation.
Eminent personalities including, but not limited to, Mr Keith Vaz, British MP 
and former European Minister, shall address the Conference.
A fee of US$100.- per person for participation in the Conference is to be paid 
in advance by bank transfer to GOPIO, FCCI Account No., with the 
Abn-Amro Bank, Stationsweg 31-33, 2312 AT, Leiden. The amount, besides 
Registration Fee, covers partially the cost of two lunches, one sumptuous Indian 
dinner with a 3-hour ride in a luxurious boat on the beautiful waterways of the 
Delegates can be accommodated in either Hotel Bastion, (Rijnzichtweg 97, 
Oegstgeest; phone: +31.(0)71.515.38.41) or Holiday Inn, Leiden (Phone: +31.(0)71 
- 55 55 555). A room, single or double, costs Euros 57.- per day in Hotel 
Bastion and breakfast charged at Euros 9.- per person; it is situated at a 
driving distance of 5 minutes from the Conference venue.     Holiday Inn, which 
is the Conference venue, charges Euros 140.- per room per day, excluding 
Since the month of June is in the peak  tourist season in the Netherlands and 
these special concession rates may not be available to us for long therefore we 
request you to let us know of your plans before 5 May.
Tourist information and sightseeing facilities will be available at the 
Conference counter. Luckily, timing of the Conference coincides with the holding 
of Floriade, the biggest flower and botanical show on earth which is held once 
every ten years and can be enjoyed by the participants.
June 7, 2002, 3 PM to 7 PM     Meeting of the GOPIO Executive Council
Evening - Informal Welcome Dinner                             
June 8,2002
                   09.00 to 9.30   Registration  and coffee
09.30 to 9.45   
 Welcome and introductory Remarks 
                (Purpose and theme of the Conference) 
                  R.L.Lakhina, Chairman, GOPIO    
09.45 to 10.00   Inaugural address                           (Role of  PIOs in accelerating India’s 
development             Mr. J.C. Sharma, NRI Commissioner                                        
10.00 to 10.15   Keynote Address    
         (Globalisation: opportunities, problems and role 
          of PIO’s, particularly in Europe)     
          Mr. Keith Vaz, Member of Parliament, U.K. 
10.15 to 10.30   PIOs in The Netherlands -     Challenges   and Responsibilities
          Ms. Shyamala B. Cowsik, Ambassador of India 
10.30 to 10.45   PIOs As Global Citizens - 
          Dr. Thomas Abraham
10.45 to 11.00   Coffee/Tea
11.00 to 11.30   PIO immigrants/residents in 
Europes - Opportunities & Problems - Dr. B.N. Madan 
11.30 to 13.00   Open Discussion
13.00 to 14.00   Lunch - Sponsored by  Indian 
Tourism, Amsterdam
14.00 to 14.30  Networking among PIO’s particularly in 
Europe: Opportunities and Problems            
Chaired by Inder Singh, President-Elect, 
and Jagdish H Makwana, Exec. VP, GOPIO
14.30 to 15.30 Open Discussion 
15.30 to 17.00   Violation of Civil & Political Rights of PIOs in the following 
countries: - Fiji, Trinidad and Tobago and Zimabwe
17.00 to 18.00    Time for relaxation and change
18.00 to 19.30    Reception & 
Cocktails hosted by the Chairman of GOPIO and Mrs. Lakhina, at their residence: 
President Kennedylaan 185, 2343 GZ Oegstgeest.
19.45 to 22.45     Dinner & 
Cruise     Sponsored by Asian Who Is Who, UK
June 9, 2002
10.00 to 1300    Creating GOPIO Chapters in European 
           Countries: general discussion followed by separate meetings with 
PIO’s from various countries
          13.00 to 14.00        Lunch
For further information concerning the Regional Conference PIOs may contact the 
conference coordinator in The Netherlands:
Dr. H.U.Qureshi
Tel  : 00-31-70-3276004
September 12th to 15th, 2002
Crowne Plaza Hotel, La Guardia Airport, 104-04 Ditmars Blvd., East Elmhurst, New 
York 11369, USA
Conference Theme
“People of Indian Origin – Technology, Investment, Business and 
Networking Opportunities”
Conference Sessions
Opportunities in Hospitality Industry
and Business Opportunities in North America
Opportunities in 
Next Generation Software/Networking/Wireless Technologies
Service Industry Opportunities for NRIs/PIOs
Opportunities in India
Opportunities in West Indies and Africa
Opportunities in Europe, Middle East and 
Far East
Organized By
Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Business Council and GOPIO New York
Co-Sponsored by
PIO/NRI Chambers of Commerce from all over the world
PIO/NRI Chambers of Commerce are requested to contact GOPIO to become an 
official sponsor. Please contact: GOPIO President Dr. Thomas Abraham at 
203-329-8010, E-mail:; President-Elect Inder Singh at 
818-708-3885, E-mail:; Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran 
at 718-939-8194, E-mail: or International Coordinator Dr. Jagat 
Motwani at 516-421-4688, E-mail: 
An Impressive Conference on US-India Trade and Technology
By Rajen Anand
With nine sessions held over two day period, 55 eminent speakers and panelists, 
18 moderators, and in excess of 300 people in attendance, the Conference on 
US-India Trade and Technology sponsored by the Federation of Indian American 
Associations (NFIA) was a huge success according to those who participated in 
this unique event. The NFIA that has so far been known mainly for holding its 
biennial conventions and receptions for the visiting dignitaries from India took 
a giant and unprecedented step in organizing this intellectual conference at the 
5-star posh Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington DC on last Friday and Saturday. 
The event was co-sponsored by U.S. India Business Council, The World Bank 
Institute, University of Georgia, Confederation of Indian Industries, Indian CEO 
High Tech Council, Silicon India, and the Global Organization of people of 
Indian Origin. Never has one seen such an impressive gathering of Indian 
activists, young entrepreneurs, successful businessmen and businesswomen from 
the industry, and political decision makers under one roof as was observed at 
this conference.
The conference was inaugurated by Indian Ambassador, Lalit Mansingh and Deputy 
Secretary of Commerce, Samuel Bodman last Friday morning in the presence of a 
packed room of audience. After lightening the traditional lamp, two speakers 
addressed the conference. Mansingh in his eloquent style declared that Indo-US 
relations had entered a more productive phase of engagement in the last one 
year, and the intensity had only increased after the tragic events of September 
11. He also noted that the Indo-American community had indeed come of age and 
was a valuable business and political asset and a catalyst for the Indo-US 
relations. "India has to its credit very substantial accomplishments in science 
and technology, including biotechnology, and in the peaceful exploration of 
space," the Ambassador emphasized. Last year, the quantitative restrictions on 
import of 715 items into India were removed, covering 314 textile, 147 
agricultural, and 226 manufactured products. Now practically every item can be 
imported into India without quantitative restrictions. The Ambassador also 
listed the recent exchanges of high-level delegations between India and the 
United States. "More high level officials from the United States have visited 
India in last one year than the number of visitors any time before," noted 
India should accelerate the pace of economic reforms and create an attractive 
business climate to increase the flow of foreign investment, insisted Deputy 
Secretary Bodman. Terming the influx of Foreign Direct Investment of only $1.3 
billion as 'very disappointing', Bodman said Indian tariffs were high and 
irrational despite cuts, and the government protection for intellectual property 
was not what it should be. On intellectual property rights, which a speaker at 
the conference called the right to copy in India, Bodman said that a legislation 
was under consideration in India. "But our analysis of that legislation is that 
it falls short of obligations under the Trade Related Intellectual Property or 
TRIPS agreement to which India is a signatory," noted Bodman. The other speakers 
at the morning session were David Iannucci, Secretary, Maryland Department of 
Business and Economic Development, Ambassador Harswarup Singh and Bruce 
Robertson, Chair, South Asian Studies Program, State Department.
In the second session, in the afternoon, former Deputy Trade Representative 
Susan Esserman said, "for countries actively involved in the trading of 
technology goods and services, such as India, the dramatic pace of economic and 
technological change does not allow the luxury of time." Moreover, other 
emerging economies, including those in Asia that are already more integrated 
into the world economy, are moving to expand their presence in high-tech fields 
where India is prominent, Esserman said.
"In this regard, China's accession to the WTO, its dramatic economic reforms and 
expanding profile in the high-tech sector should underscore the need for bold 
initiatives to be undertaken by India," she insisted. Esserman said that 
government of both India and US have undertaken important initiatives to promote 
increased economic links between the two countries. Recently, the US lifted most 
of sanctions and expanded the Generalized Special Preference
duty-free treatment 
to over $500 million of Indian exports. However, she noted, more can be done on 
both sides to support and promote the dynamism of their private sectors and 
realize the full potential for trade and investment between the two countries.
Ajai Malhotra speaking at the same session said that India had registered 
impressive growth in information technology over the last few years. In 
1999-2000, the Indian IT industry earned revenues of over $8 billion. India has 
also emerged as the back-office destinationb of the world, while its software 
exports have grown from just $0.2 billion in 1992 to over $6
billion in 2000.
Brilliant Speakers
Throughout the two days, sessions were held at which many outstanding speakers 
addressed the conference illustrated with colorful power point presentations. 
Keynoters like Lakshman Achuthan, managing director, BusinessCycle New York, 
Naveen Jain, chairman and CEO of InfoSpace, Larry Reeker of the National 
Institute of Science and Technology, Mona Sharma, CEO
of SiliconIndia, Reggie 
Aggarwal, CEO of the CVENT and many others were there to speak. They all talked 
about the achievements of India's growing technology field, methods of 
contributing in the industrial and technological growth and doing business with 
India. India is world biggest Democracy with a strong, vibrant growing economy, 
the experts observed. It has favorable attributes for business such as buoyant 
industrial growth (0.6% in 1991 to 6.5% in 1999, self-sufficiency in 
agriculture, well developed banking system and financial markets, freedom of the 
press, use of English as the link language, free and vibrant press, and well 
developed banking system and financial markets. Many of the speakers also wanted 
to speed up its trade reforms and change her labor laws and insure the 
quality of her products.
In welcoming the participants to this conference earlier, Dr. Parthasarthy 
Pillai, president of NFIA said that the organization would take a lead to bring 
about a dialogue between the two countries, in order to improve the business 
climate in India. He also paid a tribute to Joydeb Roy who had the idea to hold 
such a conference, and against all odds, worked hard to make it
a success.
Virtually everyone at this conference suggested that the conference should 
become an annual event.
CONTACTS: Fax: (301) 963-1367/ (301) 935-2627, e-Mail:,,
GOPIO New York
Sponsored by Global Organization of 
People of Indian Origin New York Chapter
Co-sponsored by Professional Indian 
Networking Association and Indian
American Kerala Center
237-50 Fairbury Ct., 
Bellrose, NY 11426, Tel: 718-470-1026
The First Annual
Indian American Youth Scholarship Night
June 29, 2002
The Kerala Center, Elmont, 
Long Island, New York.
The goal for the evening is to honor excellence among Indian American High
School Seniors.
Six scholarships will be presented:
$2,000 for Outstanding Academic Achievement
$1,000 for Outstanding Performance in Extra-Curricular Activities
$500 for 
Outstanding Application Essay
$300 for First Place in the “India Quiz Challenge”
$200 for Second Place in the “India Quiz Challenge”
$300 for First Place in the 
Short Answer Competition
The “India Quiz Challenge” and Short Answer Competition will be held at 3:00
on the day of the event.  Each contestant will receive $100 for
participating in 
the competition.
Evening reception  - 7:00 PM, Entertainment and Guest Speaker - 8:00 PM,
Dinner – 9.00 PM
Award Presentation – 10 PM followed by a celebration party with 
Ticket $25 adults, $15 students. Complimentary admission to all contestants.
Eligible High School Seniors are requested to apply for this scholarship.
form is available at or at In order to
eligible for entry, one must meet ALL of the following criteria:
§       Have at least 
one parent/guardian of Indian origin.
§       Be enrolled as a Senior in a tri-state 
high school.
Complete the entry form and mail it to:
The Professional Indian Networking 
Association, C/O Scholarship Night, PO
Box 3996, Grand Central Station, New 
York, NY 10163 by June 10, 2002.
For more information, contact, or call Lal Motwani,
GOPIO - New York at 718-470-1026.
GOPIO supporters from Chicago has sent in a Letter of Intent (LOC) start GOPIO 
Chicago Chapter. Those interested may contact Mr. Prashant Gupta at 847-571-0703 
or E-mail:
U.S. - Indian Friendship Council
The U.S.-India Friendship Council has been launched by Mr. Ram Naryanan. 
According to Narayanan, the whole world is at the crossroads of international 
partnerships. The Cold War is a fading memory, and while military power remains 
important, political, economic and cultural structures around the world are 
increasingly the true  foundations of cooperation.
In this regard, India and the United States could not be more alike. Although in 
economic terms India is only now experiencing the early stages of economic 
growth, many of us are optimistic that this path will lead to the kind of 
vibrant and responsive economic structures that now support American markets. 
Alongside this economic parallel is the natural bond that flows from being the 
planet's largest democracies.
What role can Indian Americans and friends of India play in ensuring that these 
opportunities grow to their full potential?
According to Narayanan, the community must be heard in the corridors of power, 
and for that to happen, it must speak to those who would act on our thoughts. 
Every representative in Congress must be made aware that funding support as well 
as support at the voting booths is at least partly contingent on the voting 
records of congressmen and women in matters relating to India.
US-India Friendship will help make the community voices for a strong 
relationship between India and the United States heard with purpose and 
conviction. Please visit:
GOPIO Chapter Initiation
One can initiate a chapter and become part of this global network of people of 
Indian origin by visiting GOPIO’s Chapter Initiative website to get a copy of the guidelines governing 
GOPIO chapters. Alternately, call GOPIO’s International coordinator Dr. Jagat 
Motwani at 631-421-4688 in USA.
Business and Professional Services Bulletin Board
PIOs are encouraged to publicize businesses and services though GOPIO Business 
Council Bulletin Board free of charge. Please visit 
Visit GOPIO’s Official site at